When Elder Abuse Hits Home
Today is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day – a day to stand strong against physical, emotional, sexual, or financial abuse of the elderly....

Support Groups. Therapy. You Make the Call
Are you a support group kind of person? Are you a big believer in talk therapy? Why do I ask? Because it is as predictable as the sun...

Pacing Yourself
I have started the process of researching memory care centers for my 92-year-old mother. As you might imagine, not fun. Ironically, I...

Organizing! Planning! Trying to Make It All Work
Are you the type of person who picks up the latest self-help book, in the hope that it will solve your latest life crisis? Are you...

Servant, Not Slave
Do you notice the term “servant” seems to be popping up everywhere these days? In business it’s all about “servant leadership” and a...

When your elderly loved one has dementia and a challenging personality, doing the simplest things within their view can quickly escalate...

Being Prepared
The other day, just as the temperature here in Phoenix was inching toward the 90-degree-mark for the first time this year, the air...

The Value of Journaling
I enjoy writing. I like to think I am good at writing—at least people tell me that I am. Way back when I actually earned a degree in...

The Terry Bradshaw Solution
I love Terry Bradshaw. What football fan doesn’t! Besides being an NFL legend, Bradshaw is a larger than life presence. Just watch him on...

Saying "No" to Guilt
The useless emotions: guilt and worry. A phrase burned in my brain for more than 40 years, ever since I read Your Erroneous Zones, by the...